“Lake Effects” of Large Solar Photovoltaic Projects
Solar photovoltaic projects consist of hundreds or thousands of solar panels that convert sunlight directly into electricity. Large solar fields such as those that have been built in the last several years in Southern California and the desert Southwest can fool birds into changing flight direction, sometimes during migration, to approach them because they appear to be lakes from a distance.
Many of the birds that have been killed at these large solar sites are waterbirds, which indicates that these birds fly to solar fields and realize too late in their descent that the solar panels are not water. The waterbirds then collide with the solar panels and are critically wounded or killed. Some waterbirds also have great difficulty taking off from non-water surfaces, which could leave them stranded in desert areas without food, water or shelter.
Read more at: https://bv.com/perspectives/impact-solar-energy-wildlife-emerging-environmental-issue
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